Proper vaginal hygiene can reduce the risk of acquiring infections, it can speed up recovery and prevent uncomfortable symptoms such as irritation and discharge.

Take a look at some of the most important tips for vaginal hygiene

1. Wash your intimate area once a day

This means you simply should be using lukewarm water or a gentle, natural intimate wash once a day.

2. Use intimate wipes if a shower is not around

Especially when on period, during warmer months or when traveling.

3. Wipe yourself from front to back

It is very easy to transfer bacteria from anus to the vagina when wiping from back to front, so make sure never to break this important rule. Use unscented and uncolored toilet paper in order to avoid irritation.

4. Don’t wear synthetic, tight underwear

Synthetic fabrics don’t allow the skin to breath, which leads to increased temperature and humidity in the intimate region. Tight garments create friction, which can cause micro tears in the skin. Combine this with increased heat and moisture and you get a perfect recipe for a possible vaginal infection. Choose natural materials and avoid tight clothing for prolonged periods of time.

5. Use a soothing product after removing pubic hair

Whether you choose to shave, wax, use a depilatory cream or something else, always make sure to hydrate your skin prior to the procedure, and apply a natural soothing product to the area in order to prevent skin irritation.

6. Avoid any products containing irritants or allergens

This goes for lotions, sprays, bubble baths, etc. Ingredients that should make you avoid the products containing them, include detergents, fragrances, dyes, strong chemicals and preservatives.

7. Don’t use soap, fragrance or deodorant to make your intimate parts smell better

Every vagina has a unique smell, and unless there is a problem, it shouldn’t smell bad. A strong odor can be a sign of infection. Soap is highly alkaline and very aggressive for gentle, sensitive skin of the intimate area. Always choose a natural intimate wash that doesn’t contain soap, fragrances or dyes.

8. Change panty liners frequently

Panty liners are not intended to be used for prolonged periods of time. Like synthetic underwear, panty liners prevent the skin from breathing and can irritate your skin and increase the risk of infection. The same goes for sanitary pads and tampons, especially due to the menstrual blood that stays in close contact with the skin. Always change your panty liners, pads and tampons every 3 to 4 hours, right before going to bed and as soon as you get up.

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